Collection of 10 trucks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (COMPLETED)

Start: 4 January

Collected: 6874939 uah.

Necessary: 6 726 100 uah.

( 171 200 EUR)

Remainder: 0 uah.

Collection of 10 trucks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (COMPLETED)

Start: 4 January All projects

About the project

War requires rapid logistical support, which requires hundreds and thousands of trucks. This will greatly strengthen the army and allow uninterrupted logistics for the delivery of ammunition, thousands of liters of water and hundreds of tons of food every day. Trucks make our army even more mobile, allowing you to quickly deliver everything you need!

Charitable foundation “Strength. Unity. “Svoboda” plans to increase the supply of trucks for the army, as the demand for them is very high. Currently, collection is open for 10 trucks that are in warehouses in Europe.

!!!WE DID IT!!!

Friends, thanks to YOU, we have done a BIG thing for our defenders!
10 TRUCKS, which are now extremely necessary and important on the front lines, have already been handed over to our military!

Infinite gratitude to EVERYONE who joined the gathering! We would like to express special thanks to a responsible business that does not stand aside in such a difficult time:

Laut Vitaly “McLaut”, Oksana Bogatyreva “PERON ST LLC”, Kazaryan Andranik “PE NADIYA”, Bilyk Vladyslav and Yury Ivashchenko “EVROVUDEX LLC”, Oleg Samchuk “PJSC Cherkasioblenergo”, Sklyarov Vitaly “PRIVATE LIMITED AZOT”. Special thanks to Pavel Kopilets for organizing the search and delivery of trucks to Ukraine.
Together we took another important step towards our Victory! Full and undeniable!

Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Ukrainian people!
Eternal glory to our heroes!